Deploy Keys

This is the required permissions needed in order to complete this action. If you do not have permissions to complete this action, then you will need ask the account owner to grant you privileges.  Keys : Read Deploy Key

What are Deploy Keys?

A Deploy Key is an SSH key pair. The private key gets added to your server and the public key will need to be added to your Git repository or account. This allows the server access to the Git repository or account.

Creating Deploy Keys

This is the required permissions needed in order to complete this action. If you do not have permissions to complete this action, then you will need ask the account owner to grant you privileges.  Keys : Create Deploy Key

To Create a Deploy Key go to your account and select "Deploy Keys". Then click on the "Add New Deploy Key" button. From there you will need to complete each section as follows:

  • Name

    Create a name to easily identify the deploy key.

  • Server

    Select the server you would like to run the Deploy key on.

Once all fields have been filled you will select "Yes, Add Deploy Key"

Once the deploy key has been created you will be prompted with the deploy key fingerprint and public key. Please note the Public Key will not be shown again and we do not store the Public Key. Therefore, you must copy the Public Key and save it in a secure location. If you lose the Public Key then you will need to delete the Key and create a new one. Once you select the checkbox stating you understand and have copied the Public Key to a secure location you can select "Close".

Updating Deploy Keys

This is the required permissions needed in order to complete this action. If you do not have permissions to complete this action, then you will need ask the account owner to grant you privileges.  Keys : Update Deploy Key

You can only edit the Name of the Deploy Key. The name is only for description purposses and does not affect the key pairs. It is not possible to update a key pairs. Instead you will need to delete it and create a new one, but this will break your authentication wherever you are using that key. So you will need to update the public key anywhere you are using the old one.

Deleting Deploy Keys

This is the required permissions needed in order to complete this action. If you do not have permissions to complete this action, then you will need ask the account owner to grant you privileges.  Keys : Delete Deploy Key

To delete a Deploy Key you will need to find the Deploy you wish to delete. You can search by the Name or the Fingerprint. Once you found it you can click on the menu and select "Delete". From there you will be prompted for your password.

* If you do not have permissions to perform any of the actions, then you will need ask the account owner to grant you privileges with the required permissions